Friday night Christie and I went on an Aldi adventure to grab some food for our Girl's Night. I'd never been before and I was impressed! It's a place where you just kinda have to buy what they have, but they had some great prices. Of course I ended up with a lot of random things simply because they were a good deal.
Girl's night was a success! We made Frogmore Stew--not exactly a 'girly meal' but it was delicious. We even taught some friends how to peel shrimp ;) Dinner was followed by dessert at Harpers. yummm
The only pic I got Friday night was of my I love the curly/wavy look so I attempted to follow
this tutorial. My 'wavy' hair definitely didn't turn out as well as in the video but I'm also not very skilled with the curling iron. Maybe practice makes perfect waves?
Clearly I need some help on self-photo back of the head pics.. |
Saturday was spent with my favorite 2 and a half year old buddy. We got to hang out all day long, play with play dough, and make some yummy treats
Sunday was a b-e-a-utiful day. Seriously a Chamber of Commerce weather day in Charleston..a perfect day for some soccer.
Hope everyone had a good weekend! {Even though it's already Wednesday....I'm not complaining about the week flying by}