Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday Tidbits

{There's a bake sale today at the clinic for USC NSSLHA.  I made the tried and true Puppy Chow (which my family calls White Junk) and Grandma Nancy's famous banana bread.  I was up late baking..which is way better than being up late studying!}
{I'm getting my hair cut today---nothing too crazy of course, since I've had the same hair style for approximately 7 years and my sis' wedding is coming up = no grow out time in case of a bad hair cut}

{I dropped my Easter dress off at the dry cleaners-so excited for Easter weekend with the fam and excited since my Thursday client cancelled I'll be able to make it home for Easter service at my church.}

{Today I was listening to sports radio on the way to the gym (nerdy, I know) and they were discussing an article written on ESPN and said article talked about The Colts, my beloved Colts, finding a replacement for Peyton Manning!  AKA he is getting old and won't be playing much longer....  I LOVE the Colts and more importantly Peyton Manning and this is something I don't want to even think about.  Moving on}
Please don't ever retire Peyton!
{Yesterday in therapy I was doing a craft involving peanut butter with a 7 year old.  He decided to tell me he was allergic to peanut butter (mind you I talk with all the parents before the semester--Mom reported no allergies) After a minor heart attack freak out I threw the craft away and we washed hands.  Come to find out he was fibbing...crisis averted.}

{Have a Terrific Tuesday}

1 comment:

  1. I love that white whatchamacallit stuff!!! Sans raisins...I know you and Christie like the raisins, but regardless of Christies belief, they do NOT make the mix healthy, lol.

    LOL-don't you just LOVE little kids. What a funny little fellow.



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