Thursday, June 2, 2011

One Month From Today....

is the Beebe Bash of the Year!!!
{aka Elisabeth and Andy's wedding}

I cannot wait for the almost week long wedding festivities--it's going to be a great one!
I really want to show one of Elisabeth's bridal portrait pics..but she wouldn't be very happy.  Oh and did I mention she is wearing my Grandma's wedding dress?  Can't wait to see her walk down the aisle :)

Beebe Bashes have taken on a whole new meaning...
They started out as a way to celebrate all the cousin birthdays on my Dad's side (there are 18 Beebe cousins).  So we combined the seasons and did 4 parties a year. 
Then the Bash transformed into a swim team party where each summer Mom and Dad would invite 150+ people to our house after a swim meet.
But most recently The Beebe Bash has meant a wedding!  Last summer my sister Nancy got married, and this summer it's Elisabeth's turn.  
Beebe Bash 2010
July 2nd here we come!


  1. So excited!!!!! Can't wait! Do I need to get any wedding theme party supplies for the reception??? The 80's gloves and earings were a hit last year. Haha.



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