Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Travels Complete

In 48 hours we went from this...... To this. We arrived to a farm house with no snow :( Tomorrow we will put up the Christmas tree and hopefully it will start to feel more festive!

Monday, December 19, 2011

And We Are Off....

(I haven't blogged in forever, it's my intention to get caught up over break and at least finish the 4 posts I have in my drafts...)

Today Robert and I are beginning our 18 hour adventure of a drive up to Michigan. We're driving my 85 year old grandparents up so we can spend Christmas up North. We have been doing this same drive since I was born, but it's a little different with the grandparents....

I'm really hoping this year will be a lot more uneventful than the last trip. Nancy and I got stuck for 8 hours in WV. An 18 wheeler overturned and 31 cars slid of the road trying to avoid it. Needless to say it was a disaster, they called the national guard, and we sat still with the car off for 8 hours. The normal 2 day trip turned into a very exhausting 3 day trip.

This is what last trip looked like... Say a prayer and cross your fingers we have a smooth trip so we can enjoy our White Christmas!!!

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